One of the best ways to learn mathematics is through exploration and experimentation. Dynamic content has a greater impact on student engagement and understanding whilst also reducing the explanation required from the teacher - sliders, toggle switches, drop down menus and buttons make it easy to set up individual questions from thousands of possibilities. Numbers can be changed by adjusting sliders, while full worked solutions (that alter dynamically as the examples change) can be made available at the flick of a switch.
To that end, Maths Matters uses the most capable software techniques to aid the understanding. The environment provided by code the curriculum combines the power of code with rich, dynamic drawing features, that allow whole simulations and activities to be created all in one place and over 640 of these activities can be found directly in nearly every lesson, across all topics.
Even though Maths Matters lessons are contained in an app, you can create your own interactive content using the accompanying array of pre-programmed tools, or widgets, and comprehensive editing software including a programmable calculator, graphing tool, programmable drawing instruments (pen, compasses, ruler and protractor), 3-D block builder, nets and many special tools for producing diagrams.
Interactive interface components that are designed to work equally well on touch screens or with keyboard and mouse, such as sliders, toggle switches, drop down menus and buttons make it easy to set up individual questions from thousands of possibilities. Numbers can be changed by adjusting sliders, while full worked solutions (that alter dynamically as the examples change) can be made available at the flick of a switch.